founding story

A single vision build on an unstoppable drive


From a young age, helping others was something that just made sense to me. Sharing with friends and being there to offer a hand came without a second thought. As I grew older, I saw that there were bigger problems in the world, especially for kids who didn’t have the opportunity to go to school because they had to work to help their families.This led me to create Chalk For Children an organisation with a clear purpose: to help these children get the education they need and deserve.

At Chalk for children we focus on giving children the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe environment. It’s about being responsible and recognising that if we can help, we should. We work hard to make sure that our help reaches those who need it most and that our actions lead to real improvements and generational change.

Our work is guided by the belief that with the right support, we can help break the cycle of poverty that keeps children out of school. Chalk For Children stands as a promise of action and commitment to making education accessible to every child, everywhere. There is no where on this planet we will not be able to reach

Kundai Chemhuru